Showing 1–42 of 301 results
0.2 mL PCR Plate/Tube Thermal Block
$1,122.75 -
1 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp
$60.75 -
1000 mL Media Bottle Clamp
$128.25 -
2 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp
$95.25 -
2.8 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp
$125.25 -
3 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp
$169.50 -
384 Well PCR Plate Thermal Block
$1,122.75 -
4 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp
$156.00 -
5 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp
$188.25 -
500 mL Media Bottle Clamp
$117.75 -
6 Liter Erlenmeyer Flask Clamp
$184.50 -
Accessories for MaxQ™ 7000 Water Bath Shakers
$1,100.00 -
Accessories for Solaris™ 2000 and 4000 Open Air Orbital Shakers
$1,141.00 -
Adjustable Platform 22 X 30 cm, 2 Bars
$541.50 -
Adjustable Platform, 46 X 46 cm
$576.75 -
Adjustable Platform, 61 X 46 cm
$822.00 -
Block For 24 X 1.5 mL Tubes
$853.50 -
Block For 24 X 2.0 mL Cryotubes
$1,105.00 -
Block For 24 X 2.0 mL Tubes
$853.50 -
Block For 30 X 0.5 mL Tubes
$853.50 -
Block For 4 X 50 mL Conical Tubes
$853.50 -
Block For 9 X 5mL Eppendorf Tubes
$853.50 -
Block For 9 X 15 mL Conical Tubes
$853.50 -
Clamp Microplate Stainless Steel
$63.75 -
CO2 Resistant Shakers
$3,815.00 -
CO2 Resistant Shakers
$3,815.00 -
Cover For 0.5mL/1.5mL/2.0mL Tube Blocks
$30.75 -
Culture Platform with Mat, 46 X 46 cm
$372.75 -
Culture Platform with Mat, 46 X 61 cm
$389.25 -
Dedicated Platform, 33 X 33 cm, 1000 mL
$597.00 -
Dedicated Platform, 33 X 33 cm, 125 mL
$597.00 -
Dedicated Platform, 33 X 33 cm, 250 mL
$597.00 -
Dedicated Platform, 33 X 33 cm, 500 mL
$597.00 -
Dedicated Platform, 46 X 46 cm, 1000 mL
$655.50 -
Dedicated Platform, 46 X 46 cm, 125 mL
$655.50 -
Dedicated Platform, 46 X 46 cm, 250 mL
$655.50 -
Dedicated Platform, 46 X 46 cm, 500 mL
$655.50 -
Dedicated Platforms for MaxQ™ 2000/2506/2508/4000/4450/6000 Shakers
$1,610.00 -
Dimpled Mat For Rocker SHRK04DG
$60.00 -
Dimpled Mat For Rocker SHRK07AL
$69.00 -
Dimpled Mat For Waver SHWV02DG
$60.00 -
Dimpled Mat, 22 X 30 cm, for SHLD0403DG